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Company Profile

Corporate Information

Kracie, Ltd.
Location 20-20, Kaigan 3-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
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Representative Masahiro Iwakura - Representative Director and President
Capital 5 billion yen
Business (1) Toiletries and cosmetics business (manufacturing, sales, etc. of toiletry products and cosmetics)
(2) Pharmaceutical business (manufacturing, sales, etc. of ethical and over-the-counter drugs, with a focus on Kampo medicines)
(3) Food business (production, sales, etc. of confectioneries, frozen deserts, and new food products), etc.
Total group sales 88.731 billion yen
(for the full year ending Dec. 2023)
Group operating profit 6.436 billion yen
(for the full year ending Dec. 2023)
Group total workforce 1,790 employees
(as of the end of 2023)

Click for Kracie's business fields

Toiletries & Cosmetics
Toiletries & Cosmetics

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Kracie Home Products Sales, Ltd.
Sekisei T&C., Ltd.

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Kracie Pharmaceutical, Ltd.

Qingdao Huazhong Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
Weihai Huazhong Pharmaceuticals, Ltd.
Kracie Pharma Korea Co., Ltd.

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Kracie Foods Sales, Ltd.

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