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Privacy Policy

Kracie, Ltd. and its affiliates and subsidiaries comprising Kracie Home Products Sales, Ltd., Kracie Pharmaceutical, Ltd., Kracie Foods Sales, Ltd., (hereinafter collectively the 'Kracie Group'), based on the spirit of the Personal Information Protection Law, recognize the importance of personal information of users acquired by the Kracie Group, provide herein the Group's Privacy Policy, and strive to insure conformance to the principles for handling of user information provided below.

1) Acquisition of Personal Information
The Kracie Group acquires personal information using fair and appropriate means and when doing so makes public announcement and notifies the individual concerned regarding the intended use of such information.
2) Use of Personal Information
The Kracie Group will handle such personal information within the scope of the publically announced or individually notified purpose of use.
| Purpose of Using Personal Information |
3) Changing the Purpose of Use
When changing the publically announced or individually notified intended purpose of use of personal information, such changes shall be in line with, and shall not go beyond the scope of what is deemed to be reasonable in light of, the intended purpose of use prior to such change.
4) Provision of Personal Information
The Kracie Group will not provide personal information to any third party without prior consent of the users or unless allowed by law. Despite the preceding statement, the Group may entrust management of personal information to a third party to the extent necessary to serve the purpose of use of such information. In that case the Group will supervise the entrusted third party to the necessary and appropriate extent.
5) Management of Personal Information
The Kracie Group takes necessary and appropriate measures to ensure safe management of personal information.
6) Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information
When the Kracie Groups receives a request from a user in person for disclosure, correction, or deletion of his personal information, the Group will first authenticate personal identification of the user through a prescribed procedure and accommodate the user's request to the reasonable extent without delay.
| Procedures for disclosure, amendment, suspension of use, etc. of personal information |
7) Maintenance and Improvement of Personal Information Protection Measures
The Kracie Group will try to ensure appropriate handling of personal information by carrying out corporate training to raise awareness among staff members, checking current procedures, reviewing and improving the measures taken for protection of personal information.
8) Sharing of Personal Information
  • (1) The Kracie Group may at times share personal information among group companies in accordance with the purpose of use of such information.
  • (2) Kracie Pharma, Ltd. and Kracie Pharmaceutical, Ltd. share personal data concerning medical workers, including doctors, pharmacists and staff from pharmacies and drugstores, with Nihon Ultmarc Inc. and its members. With regard to the categories and the scope of the personal data shared, as well as the administrator of such shared data, please refer to that Company�s website.
| Shared Personal Data |

Website Privacy Policy

The website of the Kracie Group (the 'Website') complies with the following policy to protect users' personal information.

1) Purpose of Acquisition of Personal Information
On certain part of our Website users are asked to enter their personal information including name, gender, age, postal code, address, occupation, telephone number, mobile number, email address, etc. Such information collected through web entry will be used for the betterment of the service and the products offered on the Website or for marketing purposes to the extent considered necessary and will not be used for any other purpose.
2) Acquisition of Personal Information
We endeavor to ensure the security of the personal information you enter using your computing device during transmission by using an advanced encryption method.
3) Use and Provision of Personal Information
Personal information acquired through this website which can be used to identify the person providing such information shall not be used for any purposes other than those that have already been publically announced or individually notified and shall not be provided to third parties, unless otherwise required by laws and ordinances.
4) Management of Personal Information
This website uses appropriate measures to ensure that the personal information you provide stays accurate. We also make all possible efforts to prevent any illegal access to user information. When we need to entrust a third party with handling of personal information that we collect, we shall instruct and supervise the entrusted third party to pay close attention to information management to ensure strict information security.
5) Use and Purpose of Cookies
Cookies are used on some of the pages of this website. Cookies enable your computer to remember that you have accessed this website so that next time you access such pages, the website automatically reads the information stored in the cookie, but as the cookie is stored on your own computer there is no infringement of your personal information. Although it is possible to set your browser to not accept cookies, in some cases this may mean that you are unable to normally use some of the pages on this website.
Furthermore, in some cases we may send you advertising on this or other websites using a targeted advertising company that provides web advertising regarding things that we think may be of interest or concern based on your browsing history, etc. We will not use cookies for purposes other than sending advertising, and your browsing history does not include your personal information.
It is possible to opt out of receiving such advertising. If you want to choose the opt-out option, please do so in accordance with the procedures shown below.
| opt out of seeing personalized ads |
6) Log Files
The Kracie Group utilizes 'log files' containing all access information for the purpose of investigating trends in use of the Website. The information contained in the log files includes IP address, type of browser, referring URL, etc., but such information will not be reflected in your personal information we keep.
7) Links to Other Web Sites
This Website contains links to other web sites. This Policy only applies to this website, and the Kracie Group shall bear absolutely no responsibility with regard to how personal information is handled on linked websites.The Kracie Group recommends you to refer to third party websites for their individual privacy policies.
8) User Request for disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information(disclosure, Correction)
When we receive a request from a user in person for disclosure of his or her personal information, we will first authenticate personal identification of the user and then answer to the user, except in special cases. Please do not hesitate to make inquiries about disclosure and correction of your personal information.
The Kracie Group or our subcontractors may send you information by means of email, etc., provided that you provide us with your personal information and agree to accept such information service. If you no longer desire our service, please make a request, and we will stop our service or delete your personal information.
9) Other matters
This Website will always try to comply with laws concerning handling of personal information and occasionally review and improve the provisions of this privacy policy. Please understand that the provisions of the privacy policy are subject to change without prior notice.

Copyright (C) Kracie, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.